Relationship between the stop lever and fuelling
Relationship between the stop lever and fuelling
I'm trying to design/figure out the relationship between the movement of the stop lever and limiting my off boost fuelling (I have a 603, NA M series pump).
Can anyone explain how far down it needs to be held, or am I just going to have to play about with it once I have the elements in?
(09-21-2010, 03:33 AM)HughF_UK I'm trying to design/figure out the relationship between the movement of the stop lever and limiting my off boost fuelling (I have a 603, NA M series pump).
Can anyone explain how far down it needs to be held, or am I just going to have to play about with it once I have the elements in?
the Fins are experts for this.
From my understanding the stop lever internally pulls back the control rod when activated (via vac or manually).
The range for boost regulation must be very narrow and has to be precise (but doable according to the Fins).
Still not clear for me is the interaction with regular stop function.
Does your IP have an ADA? If so you might modify this for boost enrichment.
(09-21-2010, 03:33 AM)HughF_UK I'm trying to design/figure out the relationship between the movement of the stop lever and limiting my off boost fuelling (I have a 603, NA M series pump).
Can anyone explain how far down it needs to be held, or am I just going to have to play about with it once I have the elements in?
(09-21-2010, 06:10 AM)tomnik From my understanding the stop lever internally pulls back the control rod when activated (via vac or manually).
(09-21-2010, 06:10 AM)tomnik Still not clear for me is the interaction with regular stop function.
(09-21-2010, 06:10 AM)tomnik The range for boost regulation must be very narrow and has to be precise (but doable according to the Fins).
(09-21-2010, 06:10 AM)tomnik From my understanding the stop lever internally pulls back the control rod when activated (via vac or manually).
(09-21-2010, 06:10 AM)tomnik Still not clear for me is the interaction with regular stop function.
(09-21-2010, 06:10 AM)tomnik The range for boost regulation must be very narrow and has to be precise (but doable according to the Fins).
is using the ADA an option?
The concerned lever inside could be changed to a more suitable one.
As you mentioned trail and error for boost fueling and curve depending on boost development.
On my MW the boost lever has a number, maybe they tried different levers during the development of the IP.
Some day I will play also with that...
The ADA should have the same effect. You could remove the ADA's innards and replace it with a normal screw to give more adjustment range.
On the MW pump the ADA/ALDA has enough effective range to pretty much cripple the engine's fueling.
I've had a look over my Haynes Diesel injection manual (MY76-92 ) for the section covering the Bosch M series. Looks like it would be very easy to convert an ADA into an LDA, I'll take my pump off tonight and have a look at removing the ADA and making up something on the lathe.
Or perhaps a PWM actuator and a MAP sensor is the way forward