SPEC clutches...
SPEC clutches...
So the time has come to get a clutch of some sort organised for the 606 into w201 swap.
I'm using a 16v getrag with a 16v w201 flywheel. Anyway, I've stumbled upon the SPEC brand clutches that are available in the US and initial research reveals a good clutch, in 5 stages, for sensible money.
Anyone have experience of these?
I've been looking at a "2+" but haven't needed one so I've never gotten around to getting any deeper.
In any case, avoid anything without damper springs.
Hmmm... Just done some more research about the clutch situation and I'm now on the fence regarding spec products. I will have to ask around on the UK vw forums to see what the big power tdi boys use. I have been recommended to look at sachs racing...
I wonder what the boys in finland are using, Jeemu, care to enlighten us?
So, I've been doing a bit of research and it seems that these aren't bad clutches... Seems that perhaps some people on some vw forums experienced either bad QC issues, or under spec'd the clutch for their application.
As I haven't had any luck finding anyone else who makes something similar, I think that I'll cough up the $$ for a stage 3+
I'll let you know how I get on.
Send you pm, before notice this. Sachs not do anymore race cluch on these.
We use Sachs race and MB own mixed in our cars.