Anyone made their own engine mounts?
Anyone made their own engine mounts?
I need some new mounts as my om602 mounts are too tall. Ive tried cutting down the arms and the mounts but I cant go any further now. Im considering making my own mounts from hockey pucks or polyurethane.
Hockey pucks seem cheap and easy but im not sure what the NVH will be like after installing them. Polyurethane may be a bit softer but costs more time and money to produce.
Has anyone done something similar? Or any suggestions you can can think of?
Thanks guys all info is appreciated!
Have you checked out the advance adapters mounts? Rubber, pretty simple design, bulletproof.
I had a quick look but couldnt see anything useful, got a link?
Will polyurethane or hocky pucks absorb enough of the vibrations? So it doesn't shake the motor to pieces?
Cheers Derek. Yes I had thought of that but I want to try and make poly mounts just for the sake of it. If it works then ive learnt something new. If it doesnt work then i've still learnt something new. If I dont try then how will I know?
Ive got some nylon bar at work that I can turn up to make some temporary mounts. This will let me get the engine in place and work everything else around it. Hopefully I can start to get a real move on with the project in the next couple of months - weather permitting.
Just a quick question - Why have you got a chain on your engine? And whats the purpose of the damper on the right in the last pic?
The chain was where I lifted it from. Because it was a totally different installation I could fine tune the angle of the lift by adjusting the strainers to this cradle I made which sat on the chassis rails.
The shocker is a standard R107 feature because the mounts are solid rubber and don't have the internal oil damping of later cars.