Garrett TA0314
Garrett TA0314
I partially dis-assembled this Garrett TA0314 in anticipation of getting a rebuild kit for it and this is what I found:
Splatter 1 & 2.jpg- Pics of the compressor wheel. Looks like molten metal splatter but I think they arise from a defective casting mold
Tool Marks.jpg - Not great detail of tool marks that probably removed a worse example of some of the above
My feeling is that the engine is pretty much untouched except by Mercedes and that the turbo has never been fooled with. I'm really surprised to see something like this that might have come from the factory.
Anyone seen this before or have suggestions on what to do about it?
My bet is that the two globs were close enough in mass, and close enough to 180 degrees apart that it balanced out within spec. Probably the only inspection they got was a balance one, and it'd be a reliable enough QC test. You've won the lottery. Congrats. :p
I'd run it as is. It balanced out well enough to be not rejected from the guys at garrett...