Silly question, dunno where else to post.
Silly question, dunno where else to post.
I recently got a 300D as a project, it didn't start, but now it does! It's awesome as hell
but that aside, i don't know what a few of the buttons do.
In the one line of fan buttons, what does the one vertical dial do? It rolls up and down, but i see no difference in anything?
And the light switch above that, does that do anything? or is my wiring all botched?
Thanks in advance.
I've attached a photo for help. What do the circled buttons do? I wish this thing came with an owners manual, haha..
The photo was too big.
Ok, my 300D is a base model and doesn't half even half of those buttons but...
Top left is the rear cabin light
One next to that might be the aerial up/down (antenna to you guys - my car I reach out the window to put it up/down lol)
The red scroll wheel might be climate control temperature. Possibly headlight angle adjust if US models had that
Bottom one there is the front + rear speaker slider.
The wheel is auto temp setting.
Antenna switch down=off, middle= mast halfway up, up=all the way up. I have no idea why they thought we needed so much control over the silly things.
Car is in good condition!
and the first switch on the left should turn on your rear seat lighting
Check all the fuses in the engine bay area, they can be very fidgety!
(05-13-2015, 04:13 PM)MFSuper90 Car is in good condition!Not my car, wish it was in that kinda condition lol
and the first switch on the left should turn on your rear seat lighting
Check all the fuses in the engine bay area, they can be very fidgety!