WTB: Crossmember getrag 717.400
WTB: Crossmember getrag 717.400
Interested in buying a crossmember for the 5 speed manual gearbox for w123 om617 getrag 717.400
Was going to buy a new one from mercedes but it is NLA If anyone know of one gimme a pm! Thanks.
I understand this is like looking for a needle in a haystack. But if someone has this and don't want to sell or can't. Maybe I could get the measurments of it, so I can try to build my own.
Picture of the item:
You sure that's the correct part number? Searching EPC A123 242 27 01 looks much more like the part in your picture.
A123 242 26 01 is a much heavier thing with different bolt patterns. Although they both are applicable to 5sp boxes.
Reply just back from English pal.... sorry, not got one.
The next part along #126 is the 26 part number????
Pretty sure A 123 242 26 01 is the thing I need. Not going to say you are wrong though. According to that picture, there are 4 versions that would fit the 5 speed?
When I bought the gearbox I got the crossmember for the 717.401 gearbox that bolts on the M102 engine. It does not work well with 5 speed on the 617.
I don't know either, just that the #26 part number in the EPC looks nothing like the one in the pic you posted whereas the #27 part number does.
Both are relevant for various 123 petrol and diesel cars. There are only two actual crossmembers...the other two are chassis reinforcement parts or auto box Xmember and possibly not ever related to your vehicle. The EPC pics often cover many vehicles and if you enter an exact Vin it will only give the correct part. All I did was do a part search on the #26 number you gave.
There's a handful of folks over on PeachParts which had the same issue. The part in the picture is the correct one. That's a snappy of what's in my garage currently. I already mocked it up to a 5 speed Getrag 717.400, installed, and it is the correct one. Now, there could be others as well. Who knows.
(12-01-2015, 12:52 PM)Greazzer There's a handful of folks over on PeachParts which had the same issue. The part in the picture is the correct one. That's a snappy of what's in my garage currently. I already mocked it up to a 5 speed Getrag 717.400, installed, and it is the correct one. Now, there could be others as well. Who knows.
(12-01-2015, 12:52 PM)Greazzer There's a handful of folks over on PeachParts which had the same issue. The part in the picture is the correct one. That's a snappy of what's in my garage currently. I already mocked it up to a 5 speed Getrag 717.400, installed, and it is the correct one. Now, there could be others as well. Who knows.
I don't think the # is stamped in the metal, but the sticker is a MB OEM sticker and it has that part #. I will check to see if the # is stamped into the metal.