holset he341 in om603
holset he341 in om603
hello,i need informations about holset he341....how much power can make in om603 and how fast can spool (faster than hx35)?
I can only speak from experience with he351ve and hx35 with 16cm housing but I really liked hx35. Had good tq with Amazing spool. He351 spools after motor would make max tq so you don't get that nice kick. Though once my he351 is lit its on! It's takes a 6500 rpm rev limit to be enjoyable though.
(12-12-2015, 09:28 AM)TurboTim He351 spools after motor would make max tq so you don't get that nice kick. Though once my he351 is lit its on! It's takes a 6500 rpm rev limit to be enjoyable though.
I have messed with it a bunch. I can spool down lower then a HX35 but it still takes more time. HX35 just a smaller turbo and just responds quicker if that makes sense. If I am in a higher gear I can definitely get more boost with my VGT but just not the super quick response of a smaller turbo. Does that make sense?
Hi guys, I found a Holset he341ve, and 'terribly big, I want to replace my turbo, now on the machine I turbo 335d, but the big one, I have a 204cv, not' can handle the twin turbo, currently measures are side hot 65mm-56mm, while the cold side, 71mm-54mm, replacing it with he341ve, I'll have 'more' recovery?