W210 200 CDI, 200-250 HP/ 450-500 Nm
W210 200 CDI, 200-250 HP/ 450-500 Nm
My plan is simple. Get 320 CDI horsepower (maybe more) from 115 HP 200 CDI OM611.
I have done:
1) EGR off - so far by resistance
2) Swirl flaps with their engine are out
3) Now I installed AMG Injectors (C30 AMG). Surprisingly no smoke with orig program. Car goes really much better, without limp mode. But unfortunately when the engine is warm up, it can´t start up. These injectors much flows into the overflow. They aren´t new, maybe they need to be remanufactured. But I think, that the CP3 pump from AMG should solve this problem. So, now i´m finding the pump from 400 CDI.
4) Today i have installed turbo GT 2359V from 320 CDI. Fits good, but i must remake the catalyst outlet.
After install the CP3 pump i will go to remap the ECU. With 3 bar MAP in my hand
I have the line from 400CDI. I think, that i can easily adapt it in my engine. Tomorrow know what I'm going to have to do. Maybe 1 or 2 holes...i don´t know it yet. Maybe some plastic lines have to be remade. I will see..
This is awesome, I love it
Good luck man, great project.
Some progress. Today I tried to put the pump on Test-engine. I have to drill 2 holes - on the left and down. I think It is prepared for this holes. Next - holders for fuel lines under the pump have to be cutted and also thermostat body little bit. Some modifications have to be done also on 400CDI timing cover. It will not be difficult to do it... I hope
Rad vidim ze sa niekto chyta aj novsich dieslov. Tu CP3 si nechaj pretesnit rovno, trosku to v BOSCHi pokaslali s velkostou O-kruzkov a kedze polka pumpy je hlinik a druha ocel tak to vplivom rozdielnych roztaznosti zacne skor ci neskor tiect, super to potom za tepla startuje-ak je slabsi starter/baterka tak to ani nechyti. Zapasil som s tym na 3.3TDI V8. Vstreky mas jednoduche, odpoj konektory k selenoidom na prepady napoj flasticky a startuj. Ak su dobre nemali by natlacit nic.
These days must install better Intercooler. I found one from Iveco EuroCargo . Photos are from beginning with assembly...
Super, že je tu i někdo z blízka . Zatím uvidím jak dopadnu po úpravě jednotky. Když bude nějaký problém, tak vyndat to čerpadlo je na pět minut. Bojím se spíš, že ty AMG vstřiky budou na tom hůř. Ani nevím, jestli je budou umět normálně opravit..jsou uvnitř odlišné od běžných vstřiků z Mercedesa. Teď se ale soustředím na intercooler.
turbi: You have to modify the map in your ECU. After that I think everything will be ok . My ECU is also original. After install the bigger IC, I will go to modify ECU. But I think the car now goes like original.
Today on Dyno...misery...some air leak. Maybe between turbo and intercooler. Catalysator is maybe the 2nd problem. On the road from 3000-3500 rpm it smokes like locomotive. I have to get rid of air leak. Injectors are chattering - bad sound.
But on the road. From original software is this the big difference.
158 hp/ 353 Nm
On the graph you can see the differences between original and remap.
158 whp and 353 Nm is on the wheels.
about 185 hp and 410 Nm on the crank. (With air leak and catalic converter )
Jojo, taky tak. Ale pak jsem našel olej na vedení vzduchu, takže vím po čem mám jít. Bohužel teď řeším trochu větší problém. Protočily se mi hlavní šály na klice. Nevím jestli to bylo chybou mazání, ale každopádně už na tom pracuji a motor bude jak nový. Zároveň nechám přezkoušet AMG vstřiky, jelikož jeden z nich cvaká.
I had one 612 blowing the rod bearings out, and was 2nd time, used engine dadada...
It seems to me that this 611/12/13 are week in rods, even to use the stock power.... the seem is more less "they are week"
I dont know if the 613 rod is same part number as the 11 and 12, the 13 is the only engine of this family wich i never heard about blasted rods or bearings....
Maybe u can consider using other type of rod!!! there must be useable rods from other engines since the pin and main bearing are the same size.
regards ,
yep, they have but the problema is not the engine, is the bearing caps.... both main bearings and rod bearings!!!
i´m not sure, i haven´t gone in the CDI world, i´m still fighting low press direct injection, but i belive the 611 12 13 family are week concerning bearing caps.... well... not so (hugely) strong as the 60X series, this were made for 1 milion plus km.
if u suspect the pump (lub issues), u can fit a 605 oil pump in it, this type of pump has a lot more flow and, the pressure relief is 8 bar. just small changes to fit it.
Humm, the bearings in the 602.982, are same size as the 605.960, maybe diff part number , but they fit i´ve done that swap.
if the bearings are the same , in all engine families wich wouldn´t be any mystery , something is killing them!!! in my 612 was most probaly rod housing damage, most probably.
i dont have access to a EPC, but i would be very interested to compare part numbers from 602´s 605´s and 611´s .
could u do that , or send me a place where i can acess a EPC form...
Completely remanufactured AMG injectors. They had too high leak. Now, it´s ok. Bonus for me is, that they are tuned for more flow.
Injectors now flows ~155mm with 1500bar/ 1,5ms
(12-24-2015, 05:16 AM)MartinB I dont know it exactly. I think higher stroke needle...
(12-24-2015, 05:16 AM)MartinB I dont know it exactly. I think higher stroke needle...