STD Tuning Engine New guy- OM606/ford f150 project request help

New guy- OM606/ford f150 project request help

New guy- OM606/ford f150 project request help

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02-04-2016, 01:42 PM #51
'03 exped isn't drive by wire, so the job is much simpler.

Winols and a labelled .OLS file for your pcm is what you'll need to get off of the beaten tuning path. Winols isn't too hard to get a hold of but the .OLS file for your truck, if it even exists, is harder to get. Without the .OLS file you can look at your PCM's hexdump but it will be a pile of meaningless crap.  All the Ford tuners that I've seen use a branded software suite like "Diablo" that gives access to typical tuning parameters but nothing like the freakishly full-featured stuff in Winols.

The HS CAN (high speed) on the '06 F150 only has the cluster, PCM and ABS modules. The cluster is also on another network with the EATC, Driver's seat moduile, body security module. Audio is not on the network wiring diagram, so no probs there. It's a pretty simple network compared to other Fords of the same year.

The ignition switch supplies power to the coil side of the starter relay and the PCM applies ground. Grounding the starter wire from the PCM would circumvent PATS and operate the starter normally. The PATS light (on the dash?) would flash but you can just unplug.
02-04-2016, 01:42 PM #51

'03 exped isn't drive by wire, so the job is much simpler.

Winols and a labelled .OLS file for your pcm is what you'll need to get off of the beaten tuning path. Winols isn't too hard to get a hold of but the .OLS file for your truck, if it even exists, is harder to get. Without the .OLS file you can look at your PCM's hexdump but it will be a pile of meaningless crap.  All the Ford tuners that I've seen use a branded software suite like "Diablo" that gives access to typical tuning parameters but nothing like the freakishly full-featured stuff in Winols.

The HS CAN (high speed) on the '06 F150 only has the cluster, PCM and ABS modules. The cluster is also on another network with the EATC, Driver's seat moduile, body security module. Audio is not on the network wiring diagram, so no probs there. It's a pretty simple network compared to other Fords of the same year.

The ignition switch supplies power to the coil side of the starter relay and the PCM applies ground. Grounding the starter wire from the PCM would circumvent PATS and operate the starter normally. The PATS light (on the dash?) would flash but you can just unplug.


02-04-2016, 02:24 PM #52

Thoughts on my 1/2 cam speed reluctor ring idea (a few posts back)?
02-04-2016, 02:24 PM #52


Thoughts on my 1/2 cam speed reluctor ring idea (a few posts back)?


02-04-2016, 03:48 PM #53
If you drive the ring off of a belt driven pulley it will come out of sych. The cam sensors are expected to be timed relative to the missing tooth on the crank wheel. It will set DTC's and disable the missfire monitor.

There are bigger fish to fry on this project than missfire/cam sensor dtc's.
02-04-2016, 03:48 PM #53

If you drive the ring off of a belt driven pulley it will come out of sych. The cam sensors are expected to be timed relative to the missing tooth on the crank wheel. It will set DTC's and disable the missfire monitor.

There are bigger fish to fry on this project than missfire/cam sensor dtc's.


02-04-2016, 04:21 PM #54
No - both the cam signal teeth and the crank signal teeth will be machined in a common ring- they can't get out of sync. That ring would be belt driven at cam speeds to minimize pressure pulse influence.

They can get out of sync with the 606 TDC but who cares? That would have no consequence since the 606 is using it's own CPS to Interface the DSL1.

This ring would just keep the Ford ECU happy with valid, timed pulses for the crank and cam signals (sans variable valve timing of course) with less pressure pulses per crank revolution.
02-04-2016, 04:21 PM #54

No - both the cam signal teeth and the crank signal teeth will be machined in a common ring- they can't get out of sync. That ring would be belt driven at cam speeds to minimize pressure pulse influence.

They can get out of sync with the 606 TDC but who cares? That would have no consequence since the 606 is using it's own CPS to Interface the DSL1.

This ring would just keep the Ford ECU happy with valid, timed pulses for the crank and cam signals (sans variable valve timing of course) with less pressure pulses per crank revolution.


02-05-2016, 06:21 AM #55
I had a Diablo chip in my 2001 Ford Focus. Really woke that car up. Ray, you really seem to know the Fords pcm's . So 04 was the first year Ford trucks used DBW? A lot of the guys converting DBW Fords to diesels are opting for the non DBW throttle cable and pedal with tps out of the 7.3 diesel superduties to simplify their conversions. Hopefully the tps could then easily be wired into Baldur's DSL1 on the OM conversion. Jav could use the tps off the w210 with the Ford 7.3 hard throttle cable and not even bother with the 7.3 tps?
02-05-2016, 06:21 AM #55

I had a Diablo chip in my 2001 Ford Focus. Really woke that car up. Ray, you really seem to know the Fords pcm's . So 04 was the first year Ford trucks used DBW? A lot of the guys converting DBW Fords to diesels are opting for the non DBW throttle cable and pedal with tps out of the 7.3 diesel superduties to simplify their conversions. Hopefully the tps could then easily be wired into Baldur's DSL1 on the OM conversion. Jav could use the tps off the w210 with the Ford 7.3 hard throttle cable and not even bother with the 7.3 tps?


02-05-2016, 06:22 AM #56
I had a Diablo chip in my 2001 Ford Focus. Really woke that car up. Ray, you really seem to know the Fords pcm's . So 04 was the first year Ford trucks used DBW? A lot of the guys converting DBW Fords to diesels are opting for the non DBW throttle cable and pedal with tps out of the 7.3 diesel superduties to simplify their conversions. Hopefully the tps could then easily be wired into Baldur's DSL1 on the OM conversion. Jav could use the tps off the w210 adapted to the Ford 7.3 hard throttle cable and not even bother with the 7.3 tps?
02-05-2016, 06:22 AM #56

I had a Diablo chip in my 2001 Ford Focus. Really woke that car up. Ray, you really seem to know the Fords pcm's . So 04 was the first year Ford trucks used DBW? A lot of the guys converting DBW Fords to diesels are opting for the non DBW throttle cable and pedal with tps out of the 7.3 diesel superduties to simplify their conversions. Hopefully the tps could then easily be wired into Baldur's DSL1 on the OM conversion. Jav could use the tps off the w210 adapted to the Ford 7.3 hard throttle cable and not even bother with the 7.3 tps?


02-05-2016, 07:37 AM #57
Actaully- Harley- the DBW is not an issue with the DSL1. It can take the input from the Ford TPS no need to graft in the mercedes unit.

I'm really impressed with the DSL1. It seems to make getting the OM606 up and running really easy even rendering using the 603 IP unnecessary. Props to Balder!!

the bigger issue, as is obvious in my case, is keeping newer networked vehicles processors from revolting due to older simpler power-plant.
02-05-2016, 07:37 AM #57

Actaully- Harley- the DBW is not an issue with the DSL1. It can take the input from the Ford TPS no need to graft in the mercedes unit.

I'm really impressed with the DSL1. It seems to make getting the OM606 up and running really easy even rendering using the 603 IP unnecessary. Props to Balder!!

the bigger issue, as is obvious in my case, is keeping newer networked vehicles processors from revolting due to older simpler power-plant.


02-05-2016, 10:23 AM #58
Maybe I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly you're talking about but here's what I know:

engine speed needs to match the TSS (turbine shaft speed) when the converter is locked or it will think the converter clutch is slipping. A non-toothed belt driving the crank sensor could result in different CKP and TSS speeds, which could result in the PCM turning off the converter clutch. If the crank sensor input is measured directly from crank speed, then no problems.

The crank sensor has a missing tooth to indicate when #1 is at TDC, but it cannot tell if it's TDC compression or TDC exhaust. That's what the cam sensor does. Without a cam sensor it will not know which stroke to fire the injector on. In that case, the PCM will pick a stroke at random to fire the injector, fire the coils each time the piston nears TDC and turns off the missfire monitor. If the cam sensor indicates that the cam is out of time, it ignores the cam sensor input just like it's unplugged. So I guess the question is, why bother with any cam sensor inputs at all? It's not needed for trans operation that I'm aware of.
02-05-2016, 10:23 AM #58

Maybe I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly you're talking about but here's what I know:

engine speed needs to match the TSS (turbine shaft speed) when the converter is locked or it will think the converter clutch is slipping. A non-toothed belt driving the crank sensor could result in different CKP and TSS speeds, which could result in the PCM turning off the converter clutch. If the crank sensor input is measured directly from crank speed, then no problems.

The crank sensor has a missing tooth to indicate when #1 is at TDC, but it cannot tell if it's TDC compression or TDC exhaust. That's what the cam sensor does. Without a cam sensor it will not know which stroke to fire the injector on. In that case, the PCM will pick a stroke at random to fire the injector, fire the coils each time the piston nears TDC and turns off the missfire monitor. If the cam sensor indicates that the cam is out of time, it ignores the cam sensor input just like it's unplugged. So I guess the question is, why bother with any cam sensor inputs at all? It's not needed for trans operation that I'm aware of.


02-05-2016, 03:00 PM #59
I know my explanation is a bit hard to follow and thanks for what you posted.

To answer...why bother with cam sensor inputs at all .... and why worry about misfire codes? Really its just because my aim is to have a completely happy- Ford ECU- with NO stored codes if possible. While not having a cam sensor input may be inconsequential to transmission control, and it probably won't generate a P2106, it will throw codes.

let me see if I can clarify and simplify my thoughts as I do value your input...

I NEED to generate a valid CKP signal for the Ford ECU- (with the missing tooth). I can't use the DSL1 RPM output directly because it can't generate that skipped tooth arrangement that the Ford ECU needs. That means making a custom tooth wheel (with the missing tooth) to mount onto the 606 crank- Then the stock Ford CKP sensor can read that wheel and be happy.

Now take that one step further. On that same crank mounted 59 tooth wheel (60-1), divide that wheel into 2 sections- like having a tire with one type of tread on the outside half and a completely different tread on the inside half. So... the CKP sensor would be aimed at the outer half and the cam sensor(s) would be aimed at the inner half, where another set of teeth would mimic the cam dogs.... but that creates a problem. Because the crank normally spins at twice the speed of the cams, there would need to be twice as many "crank teeth" on that wheel as there are cam teeth AND by doing that, an RPM problem is created if that wheel was mounted on the crank directly. The ECU would see twice as many pulses per revolution so it would think the RPM was double what it actually is.

THAT's where I had the idea of NOT driving that toothed wheel off the crank directly... but instead driving if off a pulley at 1/2 the speed of the crank. That might actually have some benefits. It produce a valid CKP signal (and RPM)- It would produce valid and perfectly synced cam signals, AND - it had the side benefit of reducing pressure pulses to 1.5 per revolution instead 3 which might even help with mis-fire code avoidance.

You brought up a great point though- if driven off a V belt, there may be enough error/slippage to cause TSS/CKP mismatch and other problems.. BUT using a small cogged timing belt would fix that.

Does that make sense?
02-05-2016, 03:00 PM #59

I know my explanation is a bit hard to follow and thanks for what you posted.

To answer...why bother with cam sensor inputs at all .... and why worry about misfire codes? Really its just because my aim is to have a completely happy- Ford ECU- with NO stored codes if possible. While not having a cam sensor input may be inconsequential to transmission control, and it probably won't generate a P2106, it will throw codes.

let me see if I can clarify and simplify my thoughts as I do value your input...

I NEED to generate a valid CKP signal for the Ford ECU- (with the missing tooth). I can't use the DSL1 RPM output directly because it can't generate that skipped tooth arrangement that the Ford ECU needs. That means making a custom tooth wheel (with the missing tooth) to mount onto the 606 crank- Then the stock Ford CKP sensor can read that wheel and be happy.

Now take that one step further. On that same crank mounted 59 tooth wheel (60-1), divide that wheel into 2 sections- like having a tire with one type of tread on the outside half and a completely different tread on the inside half. So... the CKP sensor would be aimed at the outer half and the cam sensor(s) would be aimed at the inner half, where another set of teeth would mimic the cam dogs.... but that creates a problem. Because the crank normally spins at twice the speed of the cams, there would need to be twice as many "crank teeth" on that wheel as there are cam teeth AND by doing that, an RPM problem is created if that wheel was mounted on the crank directly. The ECU would see twice as many pulses per revolution so it would think the RPM was double what it actually is.

THAT's where I had the idea of NOT driving that toothed wheel off the crank directly... but instead driving if off a pulley at 1/2 the speed of the crank. That might actually have some benefits. It produce a valid CKP signal (and RPM)- It would produce valid and perfectly synced cam signals, AND - it had the side benefit of reducing pressure pulses to 1.5 per revolution instead 3 which might even help with mis-fire code avoidance.

You brought up a great point though- if driven off a V belt, there may be enough error/slippage to cause TSS/CKP mismatch and other problems.. BUT using a small cogged timing belt would fix that.

Does that make sense?


02-08-2016, 12:15 PM #60
Actaully- Harley- the DBW is not an issue with the DSL1. It can take the input from the Ford TPS no need to graft in the mercedes unit.

That sounds right when using the Mercedes E pump. Baldur told me to use the w210 tps with a hard throttle wire attached to it to control my M-superpump. What about the cruise control buttons in the Ford steering wheel? Will they be useable? I've seen some guys use one of them for glow. I want to keep them functional. I hope Baldur's ecu will keep the glow circuit automatic.
This post was last modified: 02-08-2016, 12:18 PM by 50harleyrider.
02-08-2016, 12:15 PM #60

Actaully- Harley- the DBW is not an issue with the DSL1. It can take the input from the Ford TPS no need to graft in the mercedes unit.

That sounds right when using the Mercedes E pump. Baldur told me to use the w210 tps with a hard throttle wire attached to it to control my M-superpump. What about the cruise control buttons in the Ford steering wheel? Will they be useable? I've seen some guys use one of them for glow. I want to keep them functional. I hope Baldur's ecu will keep the glow circuit automatic.


02-08-2016, 07:22 PM #61
thats a good point... i don't know? its interesting that i want everything to work but i confess i NEVER use cruise?? but you're right- i should strive for it to work. it seems more research is in order.
02-08-2016, 07:22 PM #61

thats a good point... i don't know? its interesting that i want everything to work but i confess i NEVER use cruise?? but you're right- i should strive for it to work. it seems more research is in order.

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