problem before change to manual gearbox
problem before change to manual gearbox
Hello,after i change my auto gearbox to manual gearbox (getrag whith single mass flywheel) my car have very bad first,second,and third gear when I pass 2000rpm the all car starts to tremble...whith stock pump and stock engine,just manual gearbox..someone have the same problem?
did you have the new flywheel balanced against the old one?
i'm not sure if the symptom you described is characteristic of an off-center flywheel, but as far as i know that is the main balancing issue in a swap. i swapped a turbo engine into a manual car and rebalanced its flywheel to match the old automatic stuff.
OM606.962 engines - On the end of the crank there is a nose. Often this nose is longer than the hole in the FW that it goes into, so it has to be shortened for the faces to mate properly.
(10-03-2016, 07:31 AM)maxypriest OM606.962 engines - On the end of the crank there is a nose. Often this nose is longer than the hole in the FW that it goes into, so it has to be shortened for the faces to mate properly.
(10-03-2016, 07:31 AM)maxypriest OM606.962 engines - On the end of the crank there is a nose. Often this nose is longer than the hole in the FW that it goes into, so it has to be shortened for the faces to mate properly.
Do/would om602turbo have the same lengthened rear crank snout?
I have a bit of buzzing/vibration from ~1500-1900rpm any gear with light throttle input.
I can power past it, smoothed when I floor it and revs quick off boost due to upped Alda.
But, my rear main seal developed a leak within the last few months and I wonder if it has to do with the out of balance situation.
It is smooth when ripping through the upper rpm's and going down the highway (~2800rpm at ~75/80mph) so I have learned to live with it or drive around it.
This example is an 87 190Dt converted to 717.411