W210 200 CDI, 200-250 HP/ 450-500 Nm
W210 200 CDI, 200-250 HP/ 450-500 Nm
(06-04-2015, 01:52 PM)MartinB CP3 pump is at home
(06-04-2015, 01:52 PM)MartinB CP3 pump is at home
OM 611
I have a W202 C200 CDI working properly, but it is very slow
my w202 1998
ECU is bosch 0281001818, is it possible to flash?
turbo: garrett 700625-1
Please help me get it easily at 150 Hp and then later at 200 HP, this will be enoug
In this video, you see a similar Diesel W202, Overtaking: D