Unfortunately I will spill the beans on this one since it cost me $.
Maybe end of November I sent Fred some money for his highflow head gasket, heads studs and a manifold.
I took me literally some emails to get him to send out the head gasket and heads studs. Mind you after I torqued the head down and noticed on other peoples pictures that theres is supposed to be a green rubber grommet toward the last cylinder. Freds did not have that.
I tried to contact him about my manifold, he kept saying he was back logged but hes working on it. After new years I never heard from the guy again.
I ended up getting into contact with AGC motorsports or Johan, and paid him again to make me a turbo manifold and also for a new head gasket.
Im not to pissed, I just dont understand what happened with the guy, he was super helpful, always answered my million questions, its crazy that someone just disappears like that.
Anways, you live and you learn.
actually month and a half isnt bad, I havent heard back from him since the new years. I kind of have Stockholm syndrome with this guy, I dont like that I had to pay twice for my manifold, but at the same time I appreciate the work this guy was doing and the help he was giving me. Wish you all the best Fred !