Om604 with om601 ip won't run right.
Om604 with om601 ip won't run right.
Hi! i have a mercedes w210 220d and it has an om604 with the lucas injection pump that ofcourse does not work. So i had a om601 pump i installed but it is very slow. it sound like it is running fine but wont get up to speed and have slow acceleration. The pump is set at 14-15* ATDC. I tried to get some om606 injectors but no differend. I have heard that many others have the same problem. I cant understand why it works on 605 and 606 but not 604. I also tried to turn up the delivery screw and there were almost no differend, just smoke.
He means, that mechanical pump works instead of electrical.
U can try advance more timing until "diesel" sound appears.
Mine is set up to 10-11 ATDC.
Also it depends which pump u have installed pes4m55 or pes4m60
I'm pretty sure something is going on with the advance mechanism...
U try to find a 605 advance mechanism and your engine will surelly run fine.
Thing is the 601 pumps do not deliver enough fuel , even if u get the engine right it won't pull hard... specially in a 210.
U wats app me on 00351 933753884 i'll find u a nice solution for that.