Recent '84 300SD Acquisition
Recent '84 300SD Acquisition
Two months ago+, I acquired a '84 300SD here in "The O.C", SoCal. My long-time bud up north and '83 300SD owner suggested "Der Panzer" as his vehicle name and I countered with "The Led Zep". However, my vehicle has become such a "WIP" over the past month, that my current reference has become "Money $sucking Vortex"!
I am not in complete despair. I am told that if I can stomach getting thru a number of basic issues, then, I will have far less challenges and a great "daily driver". I believe in this and am trusting my "things to do list" seems now equalizing. Every check-off I make is now countered by only one equal, new thing, instead of two to three.
Issues? Electrical, relays, A/C compressor, A/C fan, rough idle, driver seat switch, an attempted break-in/vandalism this week with RR quarter window smashed and replacement last night. Amazingly, the alarm on this 26yr old beastie still works, likely, curtailing further theft! My list of minor issues remains lengthy, hopefully, I'm making headway.
This car seems a great SoCal "road warrior", very quiet, comfortable and a most solid feel. I did add a new Sony CD/radio days ago and it's like a concert hall on wheels! A worthwhile addition and good attitude equalizer.
Seem good to me dude! welcome. My car has a list that doesn't seem to change length either, I cross something off while adding something new... Guess thats what happens when you buy a + 25 year old car until you totally go through it....
What color is it? So I can tap you on the bumper with mine when I see yeah lol
My '84 300SD is Palomino in color and I'm in the Tustin area, but you'd likely spot on the Coast between Hunt Beach and Dana Pt..