after market oil/air separator om617?
after market oil/air separator om617?
It seems like it's pretty easy to find a replacement air filter to lose that giant airbox but, what all would be entailed in replacing the oil/air separator?
How much is this whole project going to cost? Where do I get a separator, do you just use one like the ones for pneumatic tools?
I can easily route the air out to the intake but how do I plumb the oil back to the pan? There's a drip tube at the bottom of the stock separator. Will I need to cut it to attach a new line? Or will any changes be reversible?
240's is probably not an option. round here all we have in the junk yards are cavaliers and f-150s.
sorry, I'm not more informed on what's under the hood but it's all hidden away, I have no garage, and it's freezing out.
Thanks for the tips and more info would be great
(01-22-2011, 05:29 PM)aaa Grab one from a 240d.
(01-22-2011, 05:29 PM)aaa Grab one from a 240d.
(01-23-2011, 03:33 PM)larsalan So, what do you do with the oil that drains from that separator? Does it just clamp around the tube coming up from the oil pan?
(01-23-2011, 03:33 PM)larsalan So, what do you do with the oil that drains from that separator? Does it just clamp around the tube coming up from the oil pan?