Stinky-Ass Filter Contest
Stinky-Ass Filter Contest
As a follow up to my latest thread ( )where the devouring of my filthy Baldwin Fuel Filter was realized, I have decided to UP myself ONE by creating this thread for the posting of all stinky-ass filters that give u the Hibi Gibbies. You see, my fuel tank apparently caught a severe case of diarrhea. Im going to [enema] her [culo] pretty soon!
Enough blabbing, Here is the Fuel Tank Strainer I pulled the weekend that I bought my wagon close to a year ago:
Yeeeeaaaaap!! The Original strainer from 26 years ago looked as if it was dipped in hot chocolate...
I'll win the contest just by posting Canadian sailboaters' filters.... LMAO
ive no pics, but an auto trans filter out of one that failed and had fluid beyond burnt was the stinkiest thing i've ever smelt! almost vomited.
Stinkiest would be a fried differential fluid. Worst filter was a yacht I was working in that had alge in the fuel tanks and we shocked it and filtered it. Big ass pair of racors would plug in about 5 min.