STD Tuning Engine Turbos... TD04 VS K14?

Turbos... TD04 VS K14?

Turbos... TD04 VS K14?

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10-29-2012, 01:05 PM #1
Anyone could tell me if the TD04 is bigger/ smaller then the K14 or its roughly the same?
Is the exhaust side fan housing bigger and would be better for back pressure?
Cheers Smile
10-29-2012, 01:05 PM #1

Anyone could tell me if the TD04 is bigger/ smaller then the K14 or its roughly the same?
Is the exhaust side fan housing bigger and would be better for back pressure?
Cheers Smile


11-03-2012, 02:20 AM #2
The MHI TD04 turbo has different variations. So it might be smaller or it might be bigger than the KKK K14.

This is what I've found on the 'net on the K14..
Compressor: Inducer - 35.15 mm, Exducer: 50 mm
Turbine: Exducer - 42 mm, Inducer - 50 mm

Here is info on the MHI turbos.
Quote:~ Mitsubishi Turbo Information ~ Sizes, models, & specs
by Liberoz on Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:44 pm

I have noticed a lot of questions regarding people asking which turbo they have so here's where most info and specs can be found for reference.

MHI Turbine Wheels
Wheel Exducer (in.) Inducer (in.) Trim
TD04 1.57 1.86 71
TD04L 1.62 1.86 76
TD04H 1.74 2.04 73
TD04HL 1.80 2.05 77
TE04H 1.88 2.01 87
TD05H 1.93 2.20 77

Turbocharger Wheel-Size Comparison
Turbo Compressor
Wheel Inducer Diameter(in.) Exducer Diameter(in.) Trim Housing
TD04-09B 9B 1.365 1.930 50 TD04-09B
TD04-13G 13G 1.580 2.000 62 TD04-13G
TD04-13T 13T 1.597 2.203 53 TD04HL-13T
TD04-15G 15G 1.625 2.187 55 TD04-13G bored
TD04H-15G 15G 1.625 2.187 55 TD04H-15G
TD04H-15C 15C 1.654 2.187 57 TD04H-15C
TD05H-14B 14B 1.695 2.285 55 TD05H-14B
TD04-16T 16T 1.713 2.205 60 TD04HL-16T
TD04-18T 18T
TD04-17G 17G 1.744 2.382 54 TD04-13G bored
TD04-19T 19T 1.809 2.283 63 TD04HL-19T
TD05H-14G 14G ~1.80 2.285 ~62 TD05H-14G
TD05H-16G "small" 16G small 1.830 2.365 60 TD05H-16G
TD05H-16G "large" 16G large 1.892 2.680 50
TD05H-18A 17C 1.900 2.680 50 TD05H-16G bored
TD05H-16G6 (Evo 3) 16G6 1.902 2.680 50 TD05H
TD05H-18G 18G 1.992 2.680 55 TD05H-18G
TD05H-20G 20G 2.070 2.680 60 TD05H-17C

I have found something else that maybe useful. i have no idea of what engine this all relates to so it maybe an idea to edit it out if the FAQ page is created.

TDO4-9A stock turbo on a G32BT 83-86
TDO4-9B Stock turbo on a G32BT 87-88
TDO4-11B Stock turbo on a 4G61T 1989 4cm exhaust housing.
TDO4H-13C Can be found on the Lebaron GTs. Exhaust housing will have to be replaced by your stock exhaust housing and machined to accept the TDO4H exhaust wheel. Lebarons exhaust housing will not bolt onto your stock header/manifold. 330cfm@15psi of boost.
TDO4H-13G DSM Automatics. 360cfm@15psi of boost. 5cm exhaust housing.
TDO4H-15G Upgrade turbo sold in Europe and Japan. 440cfm@15psi of boost. 5cm exhaust housing.

TDO5-12A stock Starion/Conquest turbo1986-1989. 320 cfms@15psi of boost. 8 cm exhaust housing. exhaust housing is not a direct bolt up to a DSM. Cartridge and compressor could be swapped into a TDO5 DSM exhaust housing if needed in a quick replacement but not recommended.
TDO5-14B Stock DSM turbo here in the USA. 420cfm@15PSi of boost. 6cm exhaust housing. Can upgrade exhaust housing for more midrange to top end using the 7cm exhaust housing.
TDO5-14G Upgrade turbo for the Starion's and Conquests. 465cfm@15PSi of boost. Starion and Conquests came stock with 8cm exhaust housings. Top use on a DSM you will want to take a 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing from a DSM and install it due to the fact the 8cm exhaust housing uses a different downpipe bolt pattern and shape is different to make installation much harder and require custom fabrication.
TDO5-16G Upgrade for DSM 505cfm@15psi of boost. Looks the same as 14B. 7cm exhaust housing.
TDO5-Super16G 550cfm@15psi of boost Looks the same as 14B. 7cm exhaust housing.
TDO5-16G EVOIII 550cfm@15psi of boost exhaust housing is shapped different 7cm or more. Looks the same as 14B.
TDO5-16G EVOIV-VIII larger compressor housing and daul exhaust scrolls. Some exhaust wheels and shafts are titanium depending on if you are in the USA or not. 550cfm@15PSi of boost. 8.5cm exhaust housing.
TDO5-16G EVO IX Larger compressor housing, larger exhaust housing then previous EVOs, and larger exhaust wheel and it is titanium this year in the USA. 10cm exhaust housing.
TDO5-17C custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B, looks the same as 14B. 550cfm@15PSI of boost and pulls hard in mid range then 16G series wheels. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.
TDO5-18G custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B, looks the same as 14B. 585cfm@15psi of boost. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.
TDO5-19C custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B, looks the same as 14B. 600cfm@15psi of boost. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.

TDO5/6-17C custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B. uses a TDO6 compressor housing. Better midrange to top end. 550cfm@15PSI of boost. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.
TDO5/6-18G custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B. uses a TDO6. compressor housing. Better midrange to top end. 585cfm@15PSI of boost. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.
TDO5/6-19C custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B. uses a TDO6 compressor housing. Better midrange to top end. 600cfm@15PSI of boost. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.
TDO5/6-20G custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B. uses a TDO6 compressor housing. Better midrange to top end. 650cfm@15PSI of boost. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.

TDO6-17C Stock turbo that came on the Syclone/Typhoons. This turbo was later used by turbo builders to bring us the TDO5/6-20G using the TDO6 exhaust wheel. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO6 compressor housing and machining a TDO5 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6 exhaust wheel. Incredible midrange to top end. 550cfm@15PSI of boost. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.
TDO6-18G custom job. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO6 compressor housing and machining a TDO5 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6 exhaust wheel. Incredible midrange to top end. 585cfm@15PSI of boost. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.
TDO6-19C custom job. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO6 compressor housing and machining a TDO5 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6 exhaust wheel. Incredible midrange to top end. 600cfm@15PSI of boost. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.
TDO6-20G custom job. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO6 compressor housing and machining a TDO5 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6 exhaust wheel. Incredible midrange to top end. 650cfm@15PSI of boost. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.

TDO6/7-22C custom job. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO7 compressor housing and machining a TDO6 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6H exhaust wheel made for more mid-range to top end power. Insane midrange to top end. 700cfm@15PSI of boost.
TDO6/7-23D custom job. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO7 compressor housing and machining a TDO6 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6H exhaust wheel made for more mid-range to top end power. Insane midrange to top end. 730cfm@15PSI of boost. Also hans racecraft sells this turbo. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.
TDO6/7-24V custom job. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO7 compressor housing and machining a TDO6 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6H exhaust wheel made for more mid-range to top end power. Insane midrange to top end. 800cfm@15PSI of boost. Also hans racecraft sells this turbo. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.
TD06/7-25G custom job. Sold by Greddy. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO7 compressor housing and machining a TDO6 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6/7 custom exhaust wheel made for Greddy. . Insane midrange to top end. 850cfm@15PSI of boost. Also hans racecraft sells this turbo. Sold by Greddy for MR2 and DSM Upgrade turbo kits. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.

TD06L: 61mm inducer 54.1mm exducer (This is very rare)
TD06: 65mm inducer 55.3mm exducer (Will 'just' fit into a Evo 2/3 steel housing)
TD06H: 67mm inducer 58.8mm exducer (Will not fit into a Evo 2/3 steel housing, requires cast iron VR4-Evo1 housing)

TDO7-25G Greddy Turbo
TDO7/8-33D Greddy Turbo
TDO7/8-34V Greddy Turbo

TDO8-33D Greddy Turbo
TDO8-34V Greddy Turbo
The TD08 is found i quite a few light - medium Mitsu trucks there are a few larger after market turbo's based on it.

Mitsubishi Turbo's Information:

Flow Rates @ 15psi:
TDO4-9B-6CM2 265 CFM
TDO5-12A-8CM2 320 CFM
TDO4-13G-5CM2 360 CFM
TEO4-13C-6CM2 360 CFM
TDO4L-13G-6CM2 360 CFM
TDO4L-15C-8.5CM2 390 CFM
TDO5H-14B-6CM2 405 CFM
TDO5H-14G-8CM2 465 CFM
TDO5H-16G-7CM2 505 CFM
TDO5H-16G-10CM2 505 CFM
TDO6-17C-8CM2 550 CFM
TDO6H-20G-14CM2 650 CFM
TDO7S-25G-17CM2 850 CFM
TFO8L-30V-18CM2 1200 CFM

MHI Turbine Wheels
Wheel Exducer (mm) Inducer (mm) Trim
TD04 40.0 47.2 71
TD04L 41.1 47.2 76
TD04H 44.2 51.8 73
TD04HL 45.6 52.0 77
TE04H 47.8 51.0 87
TD05H 49.1 55.8 77
TD06L 54.1 61.0 78
TD06 55.3 65.0 72
TD06H 58.8 67.0 77
TD07 65.0 74.0 77
TD08 72.3 85.0 72
TD08H 79.0 90.0 77

Turbocharger Wheel-Size Comparison Imperial sizes.
Turbo Compressor
Wheel Inducer Diameter(in.) Exducer Diameter(in.) Trim Housing
TD04-09B 9B 34.7 49.0 50 TD04-09B
TD04-13G 13G 40.1 50.8 62 TD04-13G
TD04-13T 13T 40.6 55.9 53 TD04HL-13T
TD04-15G 15G 41.3 55.5 55 TD04-13G bored
TD04H-15G 15G 41.3 55.5 55 TD04H-15G
TD04H-15C 15C 42.0 55.5 57 TD04H-15C
TD05H-14B 14B 43.1 58.0 55 TD05H-14B
TD04-16T 16T 43.5 56.0 60 TD04HL-16T
TD04-18T 18T
TD04-17G 17G 44.3 60.5 54 TD04-13G bored
TD04-19T 19T 45.9 58.0 63 TD04HL-19T
TD05H-14G 14G ~45.7 58.0 ~62 TD05H-14G
TD05H-16G "small" 16G small 46.5 60.0 60 TD05H-16G
TD05H-16G "large" 16G large 48.0 68.0 50
TD05H-18A 17C 48.3 68.0 50 TD05H-16G bored
TD05H-16G6 (Evo 3) 16G6 48.3 68.0 50 TD05H
TD05H-18G 18G 50.5 68.0 55 TD05H-18G
TD05H-20G 20G 52.6 68.0 60 TD05H-17C

Bigger Trust/GReddy turbos:
TD06SH-25G 25G 60.5 78.0 60 TD06H turbine
TD07S-25G 25G 60.5 78.0 60 TD07 turbine
T78-29D 29D 64.0 90.0 50 TD07 turbine
T78-33D 33D 66.5 90.0 55 TD07 turbine
T88-33D 33D 66.5 90.0 55 TD08 turbine
T88-34D 34D 70.0 95.0 55 TD08 turbine
T88H-34D 34D 70.0 95.0 55 TD08H turbine
T88H-38GK 38GK 75.2 95.0 63 TD08H turbine

Max Output:
TD05-14B (stock 1st gen) 275-300hp @ 21 psi
TD05-16G (small) 345-365hp @ 22 psi
TD06-16G (large) 365-385hp @ 22 psi
TD06-20G 430-450hp @ 22 psi
T25 (stock 2nd gen) 235-250hp @ ?? psi
T3 (super 60)/T2.5 hybrid 265-280hp @ ?? psi
T3 (super 60)/T2.8 hybrid 270-320hp @ ?? psi
Mitsu Turbo part numbers:
Probably time for some part numbers so here we go to start off with.

49177-01901 = 13b - 1g automatic
49178-01030 = 14b - 1g 5spd, 6cm.
49178-01420 = big 16g - jdm gvr4
49178-01520 = small 16g
49178-05200 = small 16g w/ 7cm
49178-01450 = evo 1 16g
49178-01460 = evo 2 16g
49178-01470 = evo 3 16g
49178-01510 = evo 4 16g
49178-01550 = evo 8 16g w/10.5 hotside

Evolution 1
Turbo = TDO5H
- E v o l u t i o n -
This post was last modified: 11-03-2012, 02:22 AM by DeliveryValve.

Gota love Mercedes Diesels!

11-03-2012, 02:20 AM #2

The MHI TD04 turbo has different variations. So it might be smaller or it might be bigger than the KKK K14.

This is what I've found on the 'net on the K14..
Compressor: Inducer - 35.15 mm, Exducer: 50 mm
Turbine: Exducer - 42 mm, Inducer - 50 mm

Here is info on the MHI turbos.

Quote:~ Mitsubishi Turbo Information ~ Sizes, models, & specs
by Liberoz on Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:44 pm

I have noticed a lot of questions regarding people asking which turbo they have so here's where most info and specs can be found for reference.

MHI Turbine Wheels
Wheel Exducer (in.) Inducer (in.) Trim
TD04 1.57 1.86 71
TD04L 1.62 1.86 76
TD04H 1.74 2.04 73
TD04HL 1.80 2.05 77
TE04H 1.88 2.01 87
TD05H 1.93 2.20 77

Turbocharger Wheel-Size Comparison
Turbo Compressor
Wheel Inducer Diameter(in.) Exducer Diameter(in.) Trim Housing
TD04-09B 9B 1.365 1.930 50 TD04-09B
TD04-13G 13G 1.580 2.000 62 TD04-13G
TD04-13T 13T 1.597 2.203 53 TD04HL-13T
TD04-15G 15G 1.625 2.187 55 TD04-13G bored
TD04H-15G 15G 1.625 2.187 55 TD04H-15G
TD04H-15C 15C 1.654 2.187 57 TD04H-15C
TD05H-14B 14B 1.695 2.285 55 TD05H-14B
TD04-16T 16T 1.713 2.205 60 TD04HL-16T
TD04-18T 18T
TD04-17G 17G 1.744 2.382 54 TD04-13G bored
TD04-19T 19T 1.809 2.283 63 TD04HL-19T
TD05H-14G 14G ~1.80 2.285 ~62 TD05H-14G
TD05H-16G "small" 16G small 1.830 2.365 60 TD05H-16G
TD05H-16G "large" 16G large 1.892 2.680 50
TD05H-18A 17C 1.900 2.680 50 TD05H-16G bored
TD05H-16G6 (Evo 3) 16G6 1.902 2.680 50 TD05H
TD05H-18G 18G 1.992 2.680 55 TD05H-18G
TD05H-20G 20G 2.070 2.680 60 TD05H-17C

I have found something else that maybe useful. i have no idea of what engine this all relates to so it maybe an idea to edit it out if the FAQ page is created.

TDO4-9A stock turbo on a G32BT 83-86
TDO4-9B Stock turbo on a G32BT 87-88
TDO4-11B Stock turbo on a 4G61T 1989 4cm exhaust housing.
TDO4H-13C Can be found on the Lebaron GTs. Exhaust housing will have to be replaced by your stock exhaust housing and machined to accept the TDO4H exhaust wheel. Lebarons exhaust housing will not bolt onto your stock header/manifold. 330cfm@15psi of boost.
TDO4H-13G DSM Automatics. 360cfm@15psi of boost. 5cm exhaust housing.
TDO4H-15G Upgrade turbo sold in Europe and Japan. 440cfm@15psi of boost. 5cm exhaust housing.

TDO5-12A stock Starion/Conquest turbo1986-1989. 320 cfms@15psi of boost. 8 cm exhaust housing. exhaust housing is not a direct bolt up to a DSM. Cartridge and compressor could be swapped into a TDO5 DSM exhaust housing if needed in a quick replacement but not recommended.
TDO5-14B Stock DSM turbo here in the USA. 420cfm@15PSi of boost. 6cm exhaust housing. Can upgrade exhaust housing for more midrange to top end using the 7cm exhaust housing.
TDO5-14G Upgrade turbo for the Starion's and Conquests. 465cfm@15PSi of boost. Starion and Conquests came stock with 8cm exhaust housings. Top use on a DSM you will want to take a 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing from a DSM and install it due to the fact the 8cm exhaust housing uses a different downpipe bolt pattern and shape is different to make installation much harder and require custom fabrication.
TDO5-16G Upgrade for DSM 505cfm@15psi of boost. Looks the same as 14B. 7cm exhaust housing.
TDO5-Super16G 550cfm@15psi of boost Looks the same as 14B. 7cm exhaust housing.
TDO5-16G EVOIII 550cfm@15psi of boost exhaust housing is shapped different 7cm or more. Looks the same as 14B.
TDO5-16G EVOIV-VIII larger compressor housing and daul exhaust scrolls. Some exhaust wheels and shafts are titanium depending on if you are in the USA or not. 550cfm@15PSi of boost. 8.5cm exhaust housing.
TDO5-16G EVO IX Larger compressor housing, larger exhaust housing then previous EVOs, and larger exhaust wheel and it is titanium this year in the USA. 10cm exhaust housing.
TDO5-17C custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B, looks the same as 14B. 550cfm@15PSI of boost and pulls hard in mid range then 16G series wheels. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.
TDO5-18G custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B, looks the same as 14B. 585cfm@15psi of boost. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.
TDO5-19C custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B, looks the same as 14B. 600cfm@15psi of boost. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.

TDO5/6-17C custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B. uses a TDO6 compressor housing. Better midrange to top end. 550cfm@15PSI of boost. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.
TDO5/6-18G custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B. uses a TDO6. compressor housing. Better midrange to top end. 585cfm@15PSI of boost. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.
TDO5/6-19C custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B. uses a TDO6 compressor housing. Better midrange to top end. 600cfm@15PSI of boost. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.
TDO5/6-20G custom job. Usually done using TDO5-14B. uses a TDO6 compressor housing. Better midrange to top end. 650cfm@15PSI of boost. 6cm or 7cm exhaust housing depending on turbo builder.

TDO6-17C Stock turbo that came on the Syclone/Typhoons. This turbo was later used by turbo builders to bring us the TDO5/6-20G using the TDO6 exhaust wheel. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO6 compressor housing and machining a TDO5 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6 exhaust wheel. Incredible midrange to top end. 550cfm@15PSI of boost. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.
TDO6-18G custom job. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO6 compressor housing and machining a TDO5 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6 exhaust wheel. Incredible midrange to top end. 585cfm@15PSI of boost. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.
TDO6-19C custom job. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO6 compressor housing and machining a TDO5 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6 exhaust wheel. Incredible midrange to top end. 600cfm@15PSI of boost. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.
TDO6-20G custom job. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO6 compressor housing and machining a TDO5 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6 exhaust wheel. Incredible midrange to top end. 650cfm@15PSI of boost. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.

TDO6/7-22C custom job. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO7 compressor housing and machining a TDO6 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6H exhaust wheel made for more mid-range to top end power. Insane midrange to top end. 700cfm@15PSI of boost.
TDO6/7-23D custom job. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO7 compressor housing and machining a TDO6 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6H exhaust wheel made for more mid-range to top end power. Insane midrange to top end. 730cfm@15PSI of boost. Also hans racecraft sells this turbo. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.
TDO6/7-24V custom job. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO7 compressor housing and machining a TDO6 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6H exhaust wheel made for more mid-range to top end power. Insane midrange to top end. 800cfm@15PSI of boost. Also hans racecraft sells this turbo. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.
TD06/7-25G custom job. Sold by Greddy. Usually done using TDO6 cartridge, using a TDO7 compressor housing and machining a TDO6 exhaust housing to accept the TDO6/7 custom exhaust wheel made for Greddy. . Insane midrange to top end. 850cfm@15PSI of boost. Also hans racecraft sells this turbo. Sold by Greddy for MR2 and DSM Upgrade turbo kits. 8cm exhaust housing and it will need an adapter plate.

TD06L: 61mm inducer 54.1mm exducer (This is very rare)
TD06: 65mm inducer 55.3mm exducer (Will 'just' fit into a Evo 2/3 steel housing)
TD06H: 67mm inducer 58.8mm exducer (Will not fit into a Evo 2/3 steel housing, requires cast iron VR4-Evo1 housing)

TDO7-25G Greddy Turbo
TDO7/8-33D Greddy Turbo
TDO7/8-34V Greddy Turbo

TDO8-33D Greddy Turbo
TDO8-34V Greddy Turbo
The TD08 is found i quite a few light - medium Mitsu trucks there are a few larger after market turbo's based on it.

Mitsubishi Turbo's Information:

Flow Rates @ 15psi:
TDO4-9B-6CM2 265 CFM
TDO5-12A-8CM2 320 CFM
TDO4-13G-5CM2 360 CFM
TEO4-13C-6CM2 360 CFM
TDO4L-13G-6CM2 360 CFM
TDO4L-15C-8.5CM2 390 CFM
TDO5H-14B-6CM2 405 CFM
TDO5H-14G-8CM2 465 CFM
TDO5H-16G-7CM2 505 CFM
TDO5H-16G-10CM2 505 CFM
TDO6-17C-8CM2 550 CFM
TDO6H-20G-14CM2 650 CFM
TDO7S-25G-17CM2 850 CFM
TFO8L-30V-18CM2 1200 CFM

MHI Turbine Wheels
Wheel Exducer (mm) Inducer (mm) Trim
TD04 40.0 47.2 71
TD04L 41.1 47.2 76
TD04H 44.2 51.8 73
TD04HL 45.6 52.0 77
TE04H 47.8 51.0 87
TD05H 49.1 55.8 77
TD06L 54.1 61.0 78
TD06 55.3 65.0 72
TD06H 58.8 67.0 77
TD07 65.0 74.0 77
TD08 72.3 85.0 72
TD08H 79.0 90.0 77

Turbocharger Wheel-Size Comparison Imperial sizes.
Turbo Compressor
Wheel Inducer Diameter(in.) Exducer Diameter(in.) Trim Housing
TD04-09B 9B 34.7 49.0 50 TD04-09B
TD04-13G 13G 40.1 50.8 62 TD04-13G
TD04-13T 13T 40.6 55.9 53 TD04HL-13T
TD04-15G 15G 41.3 55.5 55 TD04-13G bored
TD04H-15G 15G 41.3 55.5 55 TD04H-15G
TD04H-15C 15C 42.0 55.5 57 TD04H-15C
TD05H-14B 14B 43.1 58.0 55 TD05H-14B
TD04-16T 16T 43.5 56.0 60 TD04HL-16T
TD04-18T 18T
TD04-17G 17G 44.3 60.5 54 TD04-13G bored
TD04-19T 19T 45.9 58.0 63 TD04HL-19T
TD05H-14G 14G ~45.7 58.0 ~62 TD05H-14G
TD05H-16G "small" 16G small 46.5 60.0 60 TD05H-16G
TD05H-16G "large" 16G large 48.0 68.0 50
TD05H-18A 17C 48.3 68.0 50 TD05H-16G bored
TD05H-16G6 (Evo 3) 16G6 48.3 68.0 50 TD05H
TD05H-18G 18G 50.5 68.0 55 TD05H-18G
TD05H-20G 20G 52.6 68.0 60 TD05H-17C

Bigger Trust/GReddy turbos:
TD06SH-25G 25G 60.5 78.0 60 TD06H turbine
TD07S-25G 25G 60.5 78.0 60 TD07 turbine
T78-29D 29D 64.0 90.0 50 TD07 turbine
T78-33D 33D 66.5 90.0 55 TD07 turbine
T88-33D 33D 66.5 90.0 55 TD08 turbine
T88-34D 34D 70.0 95.0 55 TD08 turbine
T88H-34D 34D 70.0 95.0 55 TD08H turbine
T88H-38GK 38GK 75.2 95.0 63 TD08H turbine

Max Output:
TD05-14B (stock 1st gen) 275-300hp @ 21 psi
TD05-16G (small) 345-365hp @ 22 psi
TD06-16G (large) 365-385hp @ 22 psi
TD06-20G 430-450hp @ 22 psi
T25 (stock 2nd gen) 235-250hp @ ?? psi
T3 (super 60)/T2.5 hybrid 265-280hp @ ?? psi
T3 (super 60)/T2.8 hybrid 270-320hp @ ?? psi
Mitsu Turbo part numbers:
Probably time for some part numbers so here we go to start off with.

49177-01901 = 13b - 1g automatic
49178-01030 = 14b - 1g 5spd, 6cm.
49178-01420 = big 16g - jdm gvr4
49178-01520 = small 16g
49178-05200 = small 16g w/ 7cm
49178-01450 = evo 1 16g
49178-01460 = evo 2 16g
49178-01470 = evo 3 16g
49178-01510 = evo 4 16g
49178-01550 = evo 8 16g w/10.5 hotside

Evolution 1
Turbo = TDO5H
- E v o l u t i o n -

Gota love Mercedes Diesels!



11-03-2012, 08:56 AM #3
Wow! Thank you very much DV, this is a lot of info.
I saw a TDO4 2 days ago and it was very similar then the K14, the exhaust part of it is really different too, been a odd oblong shape....
I was then told the TD05 is the same exhaust fan but bigger air fan, which seems better, as it could be a easy ish replacement for the K14 once passed the exhaust fittings.
The attachment on the exhaust manifold seems to be easy enough as its a triangle shape and it seems that with an extra hole to fit a bolt it might fit? But this is might, might not.
I will have to go through all your info.
A big thank you again Smile
11-03-2012, 08:56 AM #3

Wow! Thank you very much DV, this is a lot of info.
I saw a TDO4 2 days ago and it was very similar then the K14, the exhaust part of it is really different too, been a odd oblong shape....
I was then told the TD05 is the same exhaust fan but bigger air fan, which seems better, as it could be a easy ish replacement for the K14 once passed the exhaust fittings.
The attachment on the exhaust manifold seems to be easy enough as its a triangle shape and it seems that with an extra hole to fit a bolt it might fit? But this is might, might not.
I will have to go through all your info.
A big thank you again Smile


11-03-2012, 10:38 AM #4
There are also several different K14. From 60hp up to 177hp engines.
11-03-2012, 10:38 AM #4

There are also several different K14. From 60hp up to 177hp engines.


11-03-2012, 12:07 PM #5
Thank you MJF, I thought they were all the same? Could they not give different name for different power???

11-03-2012, 12:07 PM #5

Thank you MJF, I thought they were all the same? Could they not give different name for different power???



11-03-2012, 01:33 PM #6
(11-03-2012, 10:38 AM)MJF There are also several different K14. From 60hp up to 177hp engines.

Got any info on this? I like to see the variations.


Gota love Mercedes Diesels!

11-03-2012, 01:33 PM #6

(11-03-2012, 10:38 AM)MJF There are also several different K14. From 60hp up to 177hp engines.

Got any info on this? I like to see the variations.


Gota love Mercedes Diesels!


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