WTB/WTT for 617 M pump parts
WTB/WTT for 617 M pump parts
I'm looking for 617 M pump lines, lift pump and throttle linkages. I have spoken to a few of you already and would just like the word out there as these parts are a little harder to come by. Any help will be appreciated, I have a lot of parts for trade and plenty of rust free sheet metal.
There is a decent line waiting for stuff like that. Good luck though.
(05-19-2013, 04:37 AM)poleshady what is the going rate for an M pump and the hard lines? i have one not sure if i should hold onto it or sell it
(05-19-2013, 04:37 AM)poleshady what is the going rate for an M pump and the hard lines? i have one not sure if i should hold onto it or sell it
BTW. I just test fist m pump linkage on my car today. The shaft from firewall to linkage is the same. I thought I read somewhere that 240d linkage might be similar but its been a little.
I say test fit because the original bushings on m pump linkage fell apart as soon as I applied throttle. I will figure something out.
Also I was trying it on non M pump, geometry was a little off and some slight rubbing on glow plug wires but I believe it would have worked.
Lines, good luck......