190d 2.5 turbo injector body question
190d 2.5 turbo injector body question
I have an 87 190d 2.5 turbo and I tried to swap in injectors from an 87 300d but found the threads were in a different place, I wondered if this was normal, or does it indicate a different head?
The injectors thread into the prechambers. The prechambers are in the same location for the OM602 and 603. The only change i can think of was that later prechambers had angled threads that tilt the injectors.
It depends.. Is the prechamber retaining ring slotted (early) or does it have the internally splined retainer (later)? Early style injector threads into slotted collar threads at top of injector), later injector threads into prechamber(threads at bottom), not the splined retainer.
All injectors thread into the prechambers. The locking collars thread into the head and are basically just nuts that attach the PC to the head.