question about om601/604
question about om601/604
Hello !
I have a few question guys !
Im looking for information about om601 and om604. I was read all topics about om601 and om604 but still im not sure about few things.. (that's why i open this theard)
I wonder how many power can handle stock om601/om604 ? I did find something about "osa" and just a few std om601 but still there is no info about engine.
I have om601 in very great condition, and also i find shop with 8mm elements pumps, but still i wonder if this is good choice (i mean 4cyl).
Plan is :
First stage om601 + 8mm pump + holset = goal 250-300hp and that is really all i need, but if om601 can't handle this then
Second stage with om604 and same setup.
Is that make sense ? or anyone have better idea ? om601/604 seems great, becoause they are light and they are small size, this car will be a daily driver, so i don't want to burn 15L per 100km, so economic is still important in this car.
OM601 won't last long at that power level without some serious internal modifications.
OM604 might handle it but you'll probably have to upgrade the head gasket.
My advice - go with an OM605 turbo from a c class and drop it in instead of your old engine. Why you ask ??
om604 is an amazing little engine and we at F-tune Performance have forged rods for it if you need to go over 2.5bar of boost.
For headgasket you need to machine a om605 steel gasket to fit the larger 89mm bore of the om604 (87mm in the om605). We have a jig for this and have made this operation for my om604 with 8mm injection pump and gt3076r turbo.
Great that people use the smaller engines. But stay away from the om601 if you like power
Fart can... that one is amazing, hehe LOL
Hey Fras how are u asking for a MLS gasket for a 605 bored at 89mm?
Another question , hehe , living and learning , is the 604 89mm piston good enough for a 3.5 Bar absolute pressure boost?
I know om605/6 is just a beast and the leaders of tuned diesels. But i wanna try with 4 cyl like om604.
Still i wonder how much power it can handle. And what should i change in engine to make it more stronger i mean piston/rods/cylinder head..
Did someone tuned this engine to handle some more of power ?
(08-31-2015, 09:15 AM)barrote Fart can... that one is amazing, hehe LOL
Hey Fras how are u asking for a MLS gasket for a 605 bored at 89mm?
Another question , hehe , living and learning , is the 604 89mm piston good enough for a 3.5 Bar absolute pressure boost?
(08-31-2015, 09:15 AM)barrote Fart can... that one is amazing, hehe LOL
Hey Fras how are u asking for a MLS gasket for a 605 bored at 89mm?
Another question , hehe , living and learning , is the 604 89mm piston good enough for a 3.5 Bar absolute pressure boost?