Excessive (?) 300D engine clatter
Excessive (?) 300D engine clatter
Hi, all. After a nice long run the other day, I pulled up with a worrisome clatter (perhaps excessive even for an aged 300D) when I started from idle. When I start the engine cold, it sounds like a death rattle, when it warms up, it lessens, but disappears when the revs mount. It sounds (to my untrained ear) to be coming from the front of the engine, but I don't know? Suggestions so far have been cracked piston (no more blow-by from the oil filler than usual and engine is smooth) or a failed cam chain tensioner (chain recently replaced, and new top & tensioner guides, new tensioner, but no slack in chain), or a nailing injector(s). Is it possible to upload a 30-sec sound clip? Anyone out there had something similar?
Have you checked the fuel system? I would look at that before suspecting crank problems.
motor mounts? usually it gets worse at speed thos...
It sounds like what you have is more extreme than this but I almost didn't buy a 606 donor car because of what I would have described as a knocking noise. It turned out to be the damper on the tensioner for the "fan belt"!
Just lever the top of it a bit with a screwdriver and see if the noise stops.