STD Tuning Engine 606 Teeny turbo and back pressure...

606 Teeny turbo and back pressure...

606 Teeny turbo and back pressure...

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11-19-2012, 06:56 AM #51
Why does nobody think about using 2 standard turbos instead of shelling out for larger turbos, all they need are more pipe work.
And the back pressure would be halved as one turbo "only" see 1,5 litres of engine if I understand correctly.

I wouldn't mind getting an STD..Tongue
11-19-2012, 06:56 AM #51

Why does nobody think about using 2 standard turbos instead of shelling out for larger turbos, all they need are more pipe work.
And the back pressure would be halved as one turbo "only" see 1,5 litres of engine if I understand correctly.

I wouldn't mind getting an STD..Tongue


11-21-2012, 05:27 PM #52
Alastair and DM suggested that to me a while ago.
Its indeed possible me think, but now that I have the big mama, I will try to do something with it.
Unfortunately new winter tires and no shed to tinker with the turbo put this to an alt...

Now please, bare with me on that:
How about I plugged the big mama at the exhaust side of the teeny turbo, the exhaust spooling the big mama, then with 1 or 2 external wastegate directly attached on the exhaust manifold, this/ those opening at maybe 10 or 12 PSI ( I haven't go a clue what it should be) and the gases bypassing the wee turbo and directly connected to the big mama, spooling it...
That would be teeny turbo on, then when enough pressure is on the big mama would take the relay?
That would help with the turbo lag. This of course if the big mama can spool, which many doubt as its too big...
Are you with me there? Do I make any sense or not at all?
If I do make sense to anyone here, is this possible or this is totally wrong?

Cheers Smile
11-21-2012, 05:27 PM #52

Alastair and DM suggested that to me a while ago.
Its indeed possible me think, but now that I have the big mama, I will try to do something with it.
Unfortunately new winter tires and no shed to tinker with the turbo put this to an alt...

Now please, bare with me on that:
How about I plugged the big mama at the exhaust side of the teeny turbo, the exhaust spooling the big mama, then with 1 or 2 external wastegate directly attached on the exhaust manifold, this/ those opening at maybe 10 or 12 PSI ( I haven't go a clue what it should be) and the gases bypassing the wee turbo and directly connected to the big mama, spooling it...
That would be teeny turbo on, then when enough pressure is on the big mama would take the relay?
That would help with the turbo lag. This of course if the big mama can spool, which many doubt as its too big...
Are you with me there? Do I make any sense or not at all?
If I do make sense to anyone here, is this possible or this is totally wrong?

Cheers Smile


11-27-2012, 04:54 PM #53
Hi Mate,things are much more simple...Stock elements and pump supports up to 270 bhp.So you should look for turbo with max.airflow for approx.350 bhp in order to have faster spool.If you can measure the diameter of the hot side of stock turbo you will get the size of 45 mm or approx..So you should look for turbo charger with few mm bigger diameter.What I did is I have found K26 turbo charger from Porshe and some Audi's that will do the task.You can buy them from ebay for 100-150 pounds second hand.In my case I did hybrid turbo charger K26/k27 in order to have bigger cold side,when Im ready to install bigger elements in my pump.With any stock K26 turbo charger you will not have back pressure over limit,as you hot side is much bigger from stock turbo.Even without remapping on my first test drive I have noticed big improvement power wise...Good luck...Dan
11-27-2012, 04:54 PM #53

Hi Mate,things are much more simple...Stock elements and pump supports up to 270 bhp.So you should look for turbo with max.airflow for approx.350 bhp in order to have faster spool.If you can measure the diameter of the hot side of stock turbo you will get the size of 45 mm or approx..So you should look for turbo charger with few mm bigger diameter.What I did is I have found K26 turbo charger from Porshe and some Audi's that will do the task.You can buy them from ebay for 100-150 pounds second hand.In my case I did hybrid turbo charger K26/k27 in order to have bigger cold side,when Im ready to install bigger elements in my pump.With any stock K26 turbo charger you will not have back pressure over limit,as you hot side is much bigger from stock turbo.Even without remapping on my first test drive I have noticed big improvement power wise...Good luck...Dan


11-28-2012, 03:55 AM #54
Hi Dan,

Thank you for that. I was just trying to get some use of the big mama Scania Turbo I have now...
Was your turbo bolt and play or you had to do a manifold as well?
K26, I look o n ebay now Smile
I'll have to sell the big mama tho to get the K26.

All the best.
11-28-2012, 03:55 AM #54

Hi Dan,

Thank you for that. I was just trying to get some use of the big mama Scania Turbo I have now...
Was your turbo bolt and play or you had to do a manifold as well?
K26, I look o n ebay now Smile
I'll have to sell the big mama tho to get the K26.

All the best.


11-28-2012, 05:52 PM #55
Well if your pump could not support fuel for your Big Mama,there is no need from her,,Smile
I had to cut the flange from my stock turbo and welded to K26 hot side,I did it with mig mag welder and holds fine so far after many off road events.
Also i have cut the flange going to down pipe in order to use stock exhaust.Dont forget to keep your wastegate actuator from stock turbo and install it to your k26 turbo or any other....In my case was very easy swap,I had to readjust the nuts to have the wastegate fully closed...Good luck
This post was last modified: 11-28-2012, 05:54 PM by TURBO_DAN.
11-28-2012, 05:52 PM #55

Well if your pump could not support fuel for your Big Mama,there is no need from her,,Smile
I had to cut the flange from my stock turbo and welded to K26 hot side,I did it with mig mag welder and holds fine so far after many off road events.
Also i have cut the flange going to down pipe in order to use stock exhaust.Dont forget to keep your wastegate actuator from stock turbo and install it to your k26 turbo or any other....In my case was very easy swap,I had to readjust the nuts to have the wastegate fully closed...Good luck

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